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The Perception of Taking a Break

Life can feel so busy and overwhelming at times. We live in a society that sometimes celebrates overworking which can lead to an imbalance of work-home life, limited self-care, and burnout. Due to this view on taking a break, we...

The Power of Self Affirmations

Self worth is a term so commonly used and is often interchangeable with self esteem, self love, self acceptance. All of these common terms really relate to one’s ability to feel valued and worth love from oneself and others. 
One of...

Coping Strategies: Good, Bad, or Otherwise?

Let’s face it. Most of us agree that life can be stressful. Between the never-ending demand of responsibility, the always-incoming emails, the never seemingly attainable balance between work and home life, day-to-day living at times can feel overwhelming. 
So, what do...

I Love You, But I Don’t Like You Right Now

Have you ever looked at your partner with disdain after cleaning up that empty can of pop they left on the counter or their shoes and coat in front of the door, thinking to yourself that your partner is ‘useless’...

Who Am I? Developing A Strong Sense of Self

There is a common axiom that if you do not know where you are going, you can end up somewhere else. In the fields of psychotherapy and counselling there is a common goal to help others in their human journey. ...

How Does My Attachment Style Impact My Relationships?

Humans are born with an incredible ability to form attachments, these connections with others are critical to our development, growth, sense of love and self.
In the 1950’s John Bowlby developed a theory on attachment styles that are developed in our...

Healing your Inner Child

I often find myself wondering what my 3-year-old niece is thinking about. I wonder how she sees the world and her place in it. I wonder how she feels to navigate her little world with so little understanding of what...

Finding the Right Therapist

Choosing a therapist can be a daunting task. There are so many names, photos, approaches and specialties to sort through. Even if you love ice cream, choosing one flavour, out of many options, to eat for the foreseeable future can...

Demystifying Dialectical Behavioural Therapy or “DBT”

By now, many of you may or may not have heard of a recently popular therapy known as DBT, or Dialectical Behavioural Therapy.
Often confused by its sister therapies CBT and ACT, DBT is a therapy initially designed to treat borderline...