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Hitting Pause on Your Internal Problem Solver

Many of us have an internal problem solver that likes to identify a problem and fix it as soon as possible – preferably before anyone (including ourselves) notices that something is wrong.
The problem with this efficient little system is that...

Is Conflict Healthy in an Intimate Relationship?

Conflict is a normal part of an intimate relationship; however there is Healthy and Unhealthy Conflict.
What is Conflict?
A simple definition of conflict is  “opportunity for growth trying to happen.” When there are touchy subjects to discuss or differences to work...

Anger Awareness

­Anger is a natural and normal feeling or emotion that everyone is capable of feeling. Anger is a natural, adaptive response to perceived threats and it can inspire powerful feelings and behaviours that allow us to defend ourselves. A certain...

9 Life Hacks for Highly Sensitive People

Have you ever felt that you feel “too much,” or that you feel things “too deeply”? Or, have you ever noticed that you are acutely attuned to bright lights, itchy clothing, strong scents and loud noises? There’s a chance that...

Why say “YES” to Marriage Preparation

Premarital counselling has been incorporated into my practice to help couples be proactive and help prevent the deep hurt and suffering that I have witnessed resulting from affairs and divorce. Couples who have engaged in this process have benefited greatly. ...

Managing Triggers

What are Triggers
Triggers are emotional, psychological or physical reactions to internal or external events. These reactions can be more intense than our typical daily reactions to life events and can include heart palpitations, sweating, chills, racing thoughts, anxiety, strong emotions...

6 Ways to Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Care This Holiday Season

As the holiday season reaches full swing, many of us may find that along with the joyful hustle and bustle can also come pressure, grief, tension, loneliness, disappointment and other heavy emotions. Stress and depressive feelings can be amplified as...

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) for OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by obsessions and compulsions that interfere with daily life. Obsessions can take the form of repeated thoughts, feelings, images, or sensations, whereas compulsions refer to ritualistic behaviours or mental acts (e.g....

Understanding is Magic!

Have you ever been happily going about your day and had your partner come and share that they are upset with you; often our mind goes to “they have no reason to feel that way”, and what was them sharing...

The Power of Self Affirmations

Self worth is a term so commonly used and is often interchangeable with self esteem, self love, self acceptance. All of these common terms really relate to one’s ability to feel valued and worth love from oneself and others. 
One of...