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EMDR and The Treatment of Grief

Grief is painful. It is a strong and sometimes overwhelming emotion for people, whether it stems from the loss of a loved one, a divorce, or a terminal diagnosis. Grief can include physiological distress, separation anxiety, confusion, obsessive dwelling on...

Beauty of Metaphor

The experience of being a human is complicated. So complicated in fact that even in trying to describe our own feelings or experiences, we get stuck using language that barely skims over the depth of our emotions. For example, would...

Kids and Holiday Stress

With the holiday season upon us, December can be a time of exciting celebration but also a time of great stress for adults and children alike. Parents often feel a time crunch of competing demands and regular schedules are disrupted...

Drama Triangle and Conflict

Have you ever found yourself caught in drama or conflict and wondered what was happening? It is probably safe to say if you have ever been in toxic conflict you have most likely experienced playing a role in the Drama...

What is the difference between a Counsellor, Social Worker and a Psychologist?

At Living Well Counselling Services, we have three types of counselling professionals that you can see that are regulated by three different types of governing bodies. We have Certified Professional Counsellors, Registered Social Workers and Provisional and Registered Psychologists. All...


Frequently asked questions about forgiveness in therapy: 
Question: “What is forgiveness?”
Answer: Choosing to forgive means deciding to release feelings of anger or resentment towards someone or something for their transgression. It is the ability to recognize and accept when something...

4 Tips for Building a Healthy Routine

Image by Дарья Яковлева from Pixabay
The beginning of autumn marks the return of a more structured routine for many of us. September often includes back to school, shifts in work schedules, and extracurriculars returning from summer break. This schedule shift...

Play Therapy 101

Play is the first language we learn as children. As we grow, our play styles may change and develop, but play remains a fundamental way that we express our inner thoughts and feelings (even those that we are not consciously...

The Importance Of Self-Care

We inhabit a culture that celebrates, praises, and prioritizes busyness. The result is tiredness, moodiness, frustration, and an inability to rest. There are five main aspects of personal health: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual. Take some time to reflect on how each of these areas are...

Compassion: A Check in with Yourself

In a world with a culture where we often use the word love and compassion quite generously, it’s often an irony, many of us may be cognizant off or not, why there is still so much pain in human life...