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Depression is biopsychosocial phenomenon that affects 7% of population every year and the rate is higher among younger adults around age of 18 to 29 including older adults over the age of 60. Depression is genetically inherited by about 40%...

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

We have all been asked this question at least once in our life time.  Your answer most likely changed with age.  When I was 8 I wanted to be an astronomer; at 13 an actor; and at 18 a psychologist. ...

No motivation? No problem!

“To be motivated” is a common goal that many clients have in therapy. Whether one is deep in the trenches of anxiety or depression, grieving a loved one, or dealing with a painful heartbreak, the feeling of motivation is usually...

Optimizing A Good Feeling Day

Wouldn’t it be nice to begin a day feeling good and continue to expand on this feeling? For most people feeling good can be fleeting and can change in an instant. It could be a simple look someone give us...


Parenting can be a unique and rewarding experience. Many of us love and enjoy our time with our children and cannot imagine life without them. Despite great sense of joy and satisfaction, parenting can be difficult. For those of us...

Rejection is Protection

One of the most uncomfortable human experiences is the experience of being rejected. Whether it’s by a friend, a romantic partner, your own family, an employer, a school, or a random stranger, being rejected just doesn’t feel good. It can...


Life is tough.  Many of us have several responsibilities that we must tend to on a daily basis: work, children, household chores, elderly parents, etc. With life being so busy, and sometimes stressful, some of us tend to coast through...

Building Self Compassion

Self-compassion is important
Though building and maintaining one’s self-esteem is stressed as fundamental to good mental health, I have found through my work that too few of us have spent enough time developing another trait that is fundamental to our well-being:...

Integrating Darkness and Light

We are just coming out of a season of darkness, moving out of the winter solstice and anticipating the coming spring. In our dualistic culture we associate darkness with depression, evil, and something to be avoided, an opposition to the...

Defusion – Creating a Mindful Space

What if I told you that there are no inherently bad or problematic thoughts and feelings? Anxiety is not a problem. Thinking “negatively” is not bad. You’re allowed to feel angry. It’s okay to question yourself…
The real problem lies in...