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After The Heartbreak

We all have experienced heartbreak at one point or another in our lives. Some people leave the situation that caused the heartbreak while others stay for valid reasons, but regardless of our decision heartbreak is one of the most difficult...

Helping our Children Heal through Divorce/Separation

Moving Past the Pain
Children can show the impacts of divorce/separation in a variety of different ways. Some children will act out in anger. Others may experience sadness. Sometimes our children can withdraw, or at other times they may pretend as...

Job’s Friends and Jesus Weeping: Ways We Block Intimacy Part II

Job 2:11-13; John 11:32-36
Another way that we block intimacy is by judging and blaming others. Rather than looking at ourselves and taking responsibility for creating what we want or don’t want, we focus on others and how they need to...

The Power of Positive Reinforcement

What is Reinforcement and why is it important?
Have you ever thought to yourself “why do I keep on doing that?” or “why does this keep on happening?” We can often relate to these questions with situations that trigger us, with...

“They used me, I am so upset”

Many of us have experienced manipulation at one point or time in our lives. Sometimes, we were the ones who manipulated others, such as asking parents for their car when we said we had to rush to a friend whose...

Meaning in Life

Are you battling chronic pain and feeling defeated? Diagnosed with incurable disease and worried about the end of life? Or have your partner and kids walked out and you have lost a sense of purpose in life? We often rely...

Benefits of Distance Counselling

In an era where physical distance no longer restricts an individual’s ability to access services now offered via telephone and online, one wonders whether counselling services can also be provided in this manner and, if so, if they are as...

The Choice to Stay Upset

A couple of months ago I wrote an article on acceptance and going with the flow as life happens. In that article I presented four options that dialectical behaviour therapy teaches about dealing with upsetting situations. As a quick recap...

Your Emotional Calendar

Counselling Calgary
Summer is here.  Have you ever stopped and reflected on what you think and feel about this particular season? Recently, I came across an interesting book called the “The Emotional Calendar” written by a Harvard psychiatrist named Dr. John...

The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse in Relationships

Today, a high percentage of marriages end up in divorce. This fact has led many to spend years trying to uncover what makes or breaks a relationship. One of these people is Dr. John Gottman, a researcher who is known...