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Interoceptive Therapy for Panic Attacks

Heart pounding. Light headed. Lungs starving for air. Shaking. Sweating. About to throw up. On the verge of passing out. Chest pains. Hands are tingling. Feet are numb. Sure you’re about to drop dead at any moment, yet unsure if...

What is the difference between a Counsellor, Social Worker and a Psychologist?

At Living Well Counselling Services, we have three types of counselling professionals that you can see that are regulated by three different types of governing bodies. We have Certified Professional Counsellors, Registered Social Workers and Provisional and Registered Psychologists. All...

4 Tips for Building a Healthy Routine

Image by Дарья Яковлева from Pixabay
The beginning of autumn marks the return of a more structured routine for many of us. September often includes back to school, shifts in work schedules, and extracurriculars returning from summer break. This schedule shift...

Compassion: A Check in with Yourself

In a world with a culture where we often use the word love and compassion quite generously, it’s often an irony, many of us may be cognizant off or not, why there is still so much pain in human life...

Embracing Your Mental Health

What comes to mind when you think mental health? 
This is something each one of us have to keep asking ourselves as we continue the journey of embracing and improving our mental health.  Our mental health comprises of the thoughts we...

5 Tips to Help Put Procrastination in its Place

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay
There are many responsibilities we avoid at times, including work, school, or any task that takes us away from what we would rather be doing. Despite this, we typically avoid talking about procrastination and dismiss ourselves...

The Value of Values

Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay
Values are an important part of who we are. They can ground us when making decisions, help us prioritize, and connect us to those around us. Despite their importance, we often do not spend much time...

5 Ways to Make Big Decisions

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Now more than ever, life can feel like a never-ending series of choices. All day we make many small decisions, including what to wear, how to respond to others, and how to spend our time.

Barriers to Acceptance

Acceptance is a powerful tool. It enables us to let go, to move forward, to refocus, to feel empowered, and perhaps most importantly, to find a sense of peace within our own reality. That being said, acceptance is a word...