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Barriers to Acceptance

Acceptance is a powerful tool. It enables us to let go, to move forward, to refocus, to feel empowered, and perhaps most importantly, to find a sense of peace within our own reality. That being said, acceptance is a word...

Why Being Happy Is an Unhelpful Goal

So often we ask ourselves, what’s the point? What does it matter? Who cares? We slip into a dull cycle of redundancy and cynicism. Our emotions seem to direct our actions in efforts to achieve one common goal – happiness...

Learning How to Learn

With the new school year looming, students of any age can benefit from learning how to study more effectively.  Rather than bringing up the subject of study habits as a lecture, entice your kids with the promise that they will...

How to Listen to Your Emotions

Have you ever had one of those days when you felt irritable, overly tired, or had difficulty dealing with your regular daily routine and were unsure why you felt that way? More often than not, we can determine what is...

Importance of Self-Compassion

Compassion is an idea that is familiar to most people. Many feel compassion in relationships with their partners, children, siblings, parents, etc. However, I have realized that the idea of self-compassion is unknown to many people.
It is easy to be...

Shame and the Antidote

Shame is the painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behaviour. It’s extremely uncomfortable because when we experience shame, we feel flawed, like an outsider, are seen with unlikeable traits, or feel rejected...

Kindness, Its Importance and Impact

(Photo by Gary E. Stevenson, April 2021)
The last fourteen months have certainly been challenging and have impacted our lives in many ways. For some, far too much has been lost, economically, socially, emotionally, physically and mentally. I think it is...

The Pendulum of Intimacy

Intimacy refers to a deep and mutual connection; a place where one can be emotionally vulnerable and sexually satisfied. Intimacy is dynamic with emotional, intellectual, spiritual, sexual, and physical components.
When a long-term-committed relationship is without intimacy, partners can feel more...

5 Steps to stop worrying

Many of my clients find themselves worrying about things throughout their daily lives. We worry about what people think of us, or worrying about one of our family members catching COVID, or what would happen if we lose our job...

In Defense of Hobbies

As responsibilities pile up and stress builds, the first thing we tend to let go of are hobbies. We tell ourselves that we “don’t have enough time” for hobbies when there are other important tasks demanding our time and attention. 