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Are you in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship?

What is Emotional Abuse?
In simple terms, emotional abuse is defined as overt and covert negative behaviors; abusive attitude and language designed to control, intimidate, isolate, demean and degrade or humiliate someone by attacking their self-value or personality.
What does abuse look...

Processing Disappointment – Not Losing Hope

Disappointment is the experience you feel when you consider ‘what might have been,’ in contrast to your present circumstances. It is the recognition that you don’t have, didn’t get, or will not achieve what you wanted, as well as a...

5 Things Couples Can to Do Strengthen Their Bond

Since people across the globe are being encouraged to self-isolate, it can be tempting to spend more time on technology to cope with stress.  Couples may be struggling due to unexpected financial strains and time spent in close proximity with...

How to Enrich Social Connection While Physically Distancing

The phrase “social distancing” has saturated media sources since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social distancing advice has urged us to stay home as much as possible, avoid gatherings with others and refrain from close contact even on the...

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Rewiring the Brain

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a short-term, goal oriented and structured therapy approach that focusses on the relationships between thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It is an evidence-based approach used as an effective treatment for depression, anxiety, panic, chronic pain, eating disorders...

Mental Health Struggles: Part 1 Dealing with the Past

The root causes of mental health are not merely biological or psychological but also social, referred to by specialists as the bio-psycho-social paradigm.  The biopsychosocial model views health and illness behaviors as products of biological characteristics (such as genes), behavioral factors (such...

Our Emotions are a Compass

Our emotions can work like a compass, directing us to consider and address areas of our lives that require change.  Emotions provide information that alerts us to our values, needs, and perceptions of our experiences.  Sitting with feelings, without judgement...

Am I Sad or is it SAD?

The winter months can be challenging for many reasons.  We live with shorter days and limited sunlight exposure.  We tolerate frigid temperatures that make us want to hibernate and can interfere with participating in activities we would otherwise enjoy.  There...

That’s What She Said

In our society we are bombarded with sexual images and sexual messages. It would appear that we are a sexually liberated society. But how relevant are those images and messages to our own personal sexuality? Are they a true reflection...

Healthy Conflict

Conflict is normal in healthy relationships and disagreements occur in our daily lives. Some may see conflict as something negative and try to avoid it. However, managing conflict and developing skills to communicate in a healthy way are skills that...