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The Importance of Pleasure and Play

Too many of us believe that any of our time that is not “productive” is a waste of time, and/or feel guilty when not “productive”. It’s an attitude of scarcity in resources, and that squandering our resources will lead to...

Letting Go and Releasing 

Letting go is one of the most difficult yet rewarding gifts that we can give to ourselves. It’s something that we may have not consciously thought to do. It’s something that we might do naturally and not be aware of...

How do you start your day?

Morning routines can be automatic, and mundane. They can be compromised of a bunch of habits that have become second nature and often creates little awareness as you begin the day.
How you start off your day can set the tone...

Moving Through Instead of Moving On

Has anyone ever told you to just move on or to just let it go? How does it feel to hear those words? What does it even mean to move on from something or to really let something go? Is...

Counselling Vs. Talking to a Friend

Counsellors often hear clients saying that they didn’t seek therapy prior because they typically talk about their feelings with other friends.  Some counsellors might have even heard their clients saying that talking to their friends is free!
However, talking to a...

Riding the Wave

We all experience periods in our life where we do not feel at our best. Some of us experience it more than others, and some of the experiences can be more or less severe. Here are a few tips to...


There are stages of change that an insect goes through as it matures. This change process is called Metamorphosis. First an egg is formed.  Then, with just the right temperature and environment, larva hatches from the egg. Once the larva...

Belonging To Yourself

We all want to have harmonious relationships and to feel that we belong somewhere. But sometimes ourselves and others get in the way of that. Some of us aggressively force others to bend to what we want, and others of...

The Secret World of the Tight-Lipped Person (Part 1)

Some people just simply do not talk about themselves. Their inner world is a mystery and they are hesitant to let their guard down. Have you ever asked your partner “Why don’t you tell me what is wrong?” or “Why...

Overcoming Guilt

Guilt.  A heavy word, a heavy feeling. Guilt can be an utterly debilitating experience because it often manifests in other painful emotions like anxiety, sadness, anger and disgust.  Those who experience guilt may feel anxious over being caught or discovered...