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Shame and the Antidote

Shame is the painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behaviour. It’s extremely uncomfortable because when we experience shame, we feel flawed, like an outsider, are seen with unlikeable traits, or feel rejected...

Kindness, Its Importance and Impact

(Photo by Gary E. Stevenson, April 2021)
The last fourteen months have certainly been challenging and have impacted our lives in many ways. For some, far too much has been lost, economically, socially, emotionally, physically and mentally. I think it is...

The Pendulum of Intimacy

Intimacy refers to a deep and mutual connection; a place where one can be emotionally vulnerable and sexually satisfied. Intimacy is dynamic with emotional, intellectual, spiritual, sexual, and physical components.
When a long-term-committed relationship is without intimacy, partners can feel more...

5 Steps to stop worrying

Many of my clients find themselves worrying about things throughout their daily lives. We worry about what people think of us, or worrying about one of our family members catching COVID, or what would happen if we lose our job...

In Defense of Hobbies

As responsibilities pile up and stress builds, the first thing we tend to let go of are hobbies. We tell ourselves that we “don’t have enough time” for hobbies when there are other important tasks demanding our time and attention. 

The Purpose in Your Pain 

Your pain has a purpose.
To resist or avoid the depths of pain is to turn away from the most authentic parts of your soul. To close the beautiful tapestry that provides a window into who you are.
This is because inside...

Anxiety and Stress

In general, anxiety, in and of itself, is natural and adaptive; it is a normal reaction to stress, and it has its place as an essential signal for our safety.  For example, it can motivate us to accomplish tasks like...

Recognizing and Coping with ‘Pandemic Fatigue’

What is ‘Pandemic Fatigue’
‘Pandemic fatigue’ refers to feelings of emotional and mental fatigue, and overwhelm as a result of having to abide by strict rules for extended periods of time. This can result in burnout and a decreased ability or...

Accessing Help and Acting in Faith During Life’s Storms

The Ministry of Jesus occurred on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, a freshwater lake in the northern part of Israel. While this body of water is 700 feet below sea level, the slopes of the Golan Heights to...

Processing Disappointment – Not Losing Hope

Disappointment is the experience you feel when you consider ‘what might have been,’ in contrast to your present circumstances. It is the recognition that you don’t have, didn’t get, or will not achieve what you wanted, as well as a...