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Benefits of Couples Therapy

Image Credit: Cottonbro Studios
Couples often go through difficult periods such as childbirth, financial issues, death of friends or family, mental and physical health issues, and mid-life transitions to name a few. They also could be experiencing a lack of connection...

Managing Triggers

What are Triggers
Triggers are emotional, psychological or physical reactions to internal or external events. These reactions can be more intense than our typical daily reactions to life events and can include heart palpitations, sweating, chills, racing thoughts, anxiety, strong emotions...

Why talk to a therapist instead of family and friends?

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
People often consider that they can rely on their friends and family for support, and often they can. There are also times where an individual questions whether friends and family are the best people to be confiding in...

Trauma and Romantic Relationships

Photo by Külli Kittus on Unsplash
Trauma and Romantic Relationships
What is Trauma
Trauma is any situation or event that causes a lasting emotional and physical response. This event can be anything from a natural disaster, physical assault, or accident to a situation such as being...

Recognizing and Coping with ‘Pandemic Fatigue’

What is ‘Pandemic Fatigue’
‘Pandemic fatigue’ refers to feelings of emotional and mental fatigue, and overwhelm as a result of having to abide by strict rules for extended periods of time. This can result in burnout and a decreased ability or...