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Three breathing strategies to help curb anxiety
Anxiety can feel overwhelming and sometimes can feel completely debilitating. A strategy to ease anxiety many of us will hear or use is deep breathing. Deep breathing can be very helpful to slow the...

The Perception of Taking a Break

Life can feel so busy and overwhelming at times. We live in a society that sometimes celebrates overworking which can lead to an imbalance of work-home life, limited self-care, and burnout. Due to this view on taking a break, we...

Are Cellphones Ruining Your Relationships?

As a couple’s counsellor, one of the biggest complaints I hear is that my partner doesn’t listen to me. This complaint comes in many different forms. I hear things such as, “My partner is always distracted, my partner doesn’t talk...

Hitting Pause on Your Internal Problem Solver

Many of us have an internal problem solver that likes to identify a problem and fix it as soon as possible – preferably before anyone (including ourselves) notices that something is wrong.
The problem with this efficient little system is that...